Monday, September 5, 2011

Help for Zimbabwe

Hi, my name is Christian Mayfield.  I am twelve years old and I am working on my Eagle Project for Boy Scouts and I need your help (see the bottom of this post to see how you can help!).  My Eagle project is to organize and lead my troop to gather clothing, reading glasses and other supplies to be donated to Eyes for Zimbabwe, a nonprofit organization that serves the poorest people living in Zimbabwe, Africa.  In addition to clothing and reading glasses, I also want to collect at least 50 white shirts for people to wear to church in Zimbabwe who can’t afford to buy them.   I will need to have all of the donated items ready to be loaded in a large shipping container by the first week of October. 

Eyes for Zimbabwe was created in 1997 with the goal of “giving sight” to those who were blinded by cataracts.  Since that time, they have not only continued with that goal, but have expanded into many different spheres including feeding, educating, clothing, and giving reading glasses. They also assist many prospective LDS missionaries with their required clothing, shoes, cases, and back-packs which they can’t afford.  I learned about Eyes for Zimbabwe when my grandparents came back from Zimbabwe after living there for two years as LDS missionaries. They saw first-hand the great help these people needed.  They told me that this would be a good Eagle project, knowing I was already looking for something to do.  I thought it would be cool to send things over to the people my grandparents had lived with and wanted to help. 

Here are some pictures of people who have been helped by Eyes For Zimbabwe.

These people all had surgery to restore their eyesight.
These are my Grandparents in Zimbabwe.

Here's what I need:
* Clothing, new or gently used of all kinds and sizes
* Men's white dress shirts, new or gently used
* ties
small toys
* reading glasses
* shoes
* backpacks
* cash donations will be accepted to help us purchase more supplies

I need to collect all donations by Saturday, October 1st.  Supplies can be brought to my home and we'll also be collecting items that can be left on your doorstep.  Of course, you can also call me anytime and I'll come pick it up.

If you have any questions, call me, leave me a comment on this blog, or send an email to my mom (

Thanks in advance for your support!  I know that the people in Zimbabwe will be blessed by our efforts.

Christian Mayfield
Life Scout
Troop 665


  1. Christian - what an amazing eagle scout project! I'm excited to help you!

  2. Hey Christian...I'll ask my friends if they have anything they can donate and I'll collect the stuff from them. I'll let you know how much time I use so you can count it toward your 100 hours. Good luck!

  3. Christian, what an awesome project! I know I have some glasses tucked away in drawers, and some white shirts too. I will drop them by your house next week.

  4. Great project! Love that you chose something close to your heart & the hearts of those you love.
